How Do You Establish Trust in Yourself and Your Loved Ones?

How Do You Establish Trust in Yourself and Your Loved Ones?
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When you develop an addiction, you often make decisions that break the trust of loved ones and your trust in yourself. After years of use, you may have put relationships aside and hurt the people around you to maintain your addiction. This can result and legal and financial trouble, as well as changes in behavior that your friends and family have to bear the brunt of. These decisions also hurt you. You may feel that you are incapable of taking care of yourself, or you are weighed down by shame and blame preventing you from moving forward in your life.

Here at Vanity Wellness, we are here to remind you that everyone makes mistakes. Regardless of what you have done in your past, you are still worthy of love and respect and a life filled with happiness and peace. Through treatment and rebuilding supportive and healthy relationships in your life, you can move past your addiction and start to feel good again.

Step One: Getting Clean

Getting clean is the first step to rebuilding trust in yourself and with loved ones. Removing drugs and alcohol from your life is more than about getting healthy; it is the first step in showing yourself and your friends and family that you are committed to living a new lifestyle.

Most people recognize that getting clean is not an easy process. You will face withdrawals, cravings, and burnout while rebuilding your life without needing to depend on drugs or alcohol to feel whole. Starting to get clean will give you the mental space to start developing a plan to put your life together. This step shows yourself and your loved ones that you are genuinely ready to change.

However, it is essential to detox under the supervision of medical provisions. Depending on the severity of your addiction, detox can be more than uncomfortable; it can be dangerous. People can die from detox if they experience adverse side effects of withdrawal. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities will provide you with the support you need to ensure detox is as safe and as comfortable as possible. They will monitor you and intervene if you start experiencing severe withdrawal side effects. In treatment, you will receive medications that will ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings and increase your chances of successful detox.

Here at Vanity Wellness, we offer a wide variety of detox options to fit your specific needs and lifestyle. We can help you find a treatment option that is right for you.

Step Two: Reconnecting With Yourself

Before you start rebuilding your relationships with friends and family, it is vital that you reconnect with yourself. Understanding who you are and where you have been helps you to better set boundaries and expectations with friends and family members. While improving your relationships can be helpful with recovery, don’t forget that the most important relationship you have in sobriety is the relationship that you have with yourself. Building your confidence and ability to care for yourself will help you feel better about yourself and your ability to trust in yourself. Increasing your trust in yourself will also help you to identify the people in your life who are deserving of your trust.

Additionally, showing friends and family members that you are taking care of yourself will demonstrate that you are committed to changing. As you rebuild yourself, you will develop dreams and ideas of who you want to be when you leave recovery. In recovery, you will naturally start setting goals to make those dreams happen. Sharing those dreams with friends and family will give them areas they know they can support you, and it will also give your loved ones hope.

At Vanity Wellness, we are committed to facilitating your participation in the exciting parts of life so you can develop a sense of what you do and do not like to help you start dreaming again. We are also here to support you as you rebuild your life and help you engage in self-care. Setting a schedule, sleeping and eating well, and exercising are vital parts of rebuilding your ability to feel good about yourself. As your health improves, you will show that you can live a happy and healthy life. This will allow you and your loved ones to think more about your future instead of your past.

Step Three: Reconnecting With Friends and Family

Having a strong support system is essential to recovery. You need to have people in your life that are healthy and positive influences who will cheer you on in your recovery, but reconnecting with loved ones isn’t always easy. To rebuild broken relationships, you will need to understand how your actions affect those around you and are prepared to make amends for how you have hurt those around you.

Here at Vanity Wellness, we also recognize that families and relationships can be dysfunctional. When reconnecting with friends and family, the conversation should never be one-sided. Boundaries must be established between all parties to ensure the relationship is as healthy and fulfilling as possible. We are to help you positively reconnect with family members by providing family therapy and working with you and your loved ones to help the healing process.

You will not be rebuilding relationships on your own. While you will be responsible for making amends and sharing your experiences with your friends and family, they will also be responsible for sharing their feelings and setting their own boundaries. Do not worry, we will be there every step away to help guide all parties through effective and constructive conversations. We are here to ensure all parties remain accountable to the agreements they have made to ensure everyone feels respected and supported through the recovery process.

Vanity Can Help you rebuild trust with loved ones

At Vanity Wellness, we know that addiction can flip your life upside-down, especially when it comes to the relationships you have with yourself and others. We recognize that rebuilding these relationships can be a difficult process, as many of the conversations will be uncomfortable, but they are worth it. No one should have to face recovery alone, and friends and family are an excellent support system to ensure you have people to rely on as you rebuild your life without drugs or alcohol. More importantly, we want to make sure you feel good about yourself. We are focused on ensuring you rebuild your confidence and ability to love yourself so you do not need drugs or alcohol to numb your pain. When you leave Vanity Wellness, we want you to leave with positive relationships. For more information, call us at (866) 587-1737