What’s the correlation between social media and drugs? Is it possible social media is just as addictive as some substances?
What’s the correlation between social media and drugs? Is it possible social media is just as addictive as some substances?
Designed as a vet tranquilizer, Xylazine effects in animals and humans can often lead to addiction. Learn why it’s called the Zombie Drug.
Alcohol and Xanax are commonly used substances for different reasons. However, when mixed, the result can be very dangerous.
Having a happy Labor Day weekend may be tough in addiction recovery. However, use this holiday to reflect on all the progress you’ve made.
Cross addiction, or addiction interaction disorder, can complicate the recovery process. We’ll discuss how to address it effectively.
Fluorofentanyl is a deadly new strain of fentanyl creeping around the streets of San Francisco. Find out how you can protect yourself now.
Alcohol and Xanax are often used to cope with our depression. However, if they are mixed, it can become deadly. Here’s why.
The addictions faced in Kensington, Pennsylvania reveals to the rest of the world that the opioid epidemic is real – and can happen you.
Xylazine has quickly become a dangerous. Here is everything you need to know about this potent drug to keep from falling victim to addiction.
After disappointing everyone I ever cared about – especially my kids – I knew I needed help for my opioid addiction. This is what I did.